Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Hola! Bienvenidos a mi nueva blog!

So just a little intro, I wanted to start this so that I can journal/jot down my thoughts while abroad and to allow others to see what I'm up to, because let's face it, facebook isn't going to cut it nor do I want everyone on facebook knowing all my thoughts. So this is for my familia and friends who are interested in knowing what's going on with me. Also, it's just a nice place to start anew.

Just a little recap:
--> I've been here in Buenos Aires (BsAs) for a week an a half, it will be two weeks thursday!
--> I LOVE this city, it's way bigger than I ever imagined, but still great. Tons of little barrios to explore and places to see, just like LA, except with a public transit system for greater ease of exploration.
--> My homestay family is amazing and similar to my familia, older parents, kids grown up, grandkids in the picture. They get together all the time, they all live close by, so I got that tight knit group that's necessary in my life. They're amazing people too.
--> I really love the friends I've made on the program, which is surprising because I really was stressing about this, and as Bena Li says, I usually hold high moral standards for the people I surround myself with. But, I have met some amazing people here and am grateful for it!

--> Also, for those of you who I didn't get to tell this to before I left, I apologize that I didn't get to say this in person but this will be the easiest way to say it. My grandma went into a coma the Thursday before I left, she stopped breathing and her heart stopped. I really didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay and be with my family and comfort them as well as be comforted by them, but I was urged to come no matter what, which I don't regret, but it has been difficult. It was a difficult decision to come here.
--> Also, before I left, Eli and I decided it would be best and most logical to not continue our relationship, seeing as how I was going to be here and then continue going to school at Oxy afterwards and he had decided to stay over in New Orleans for another year and a half. We made this decision while he was visiting the week before I left. It seemed like a good idea, but I quickly regretted it once I arrived. But, things were not the same on Eli's end and he found it too difficult to continue. So...I'm also dealing with that.
--> Despite this, I'm still enjoying myself so much. I am making sure I live every moment to the fullest here, laughing as hard as I can as usual, tasting different things, meeting new people, traveling the don't worry, I'm not drowning in sorrows, even though I will admit I do get quite sad when I sit down at the end of the day and think about everything, or in that one moment right when I wake up and I think I'm back in LA and then become confused then realize I'm still here, not with the same circumstances that I had hoped for, and I immediately get homesick for a few minutes. Anyways, that doesn't make sense, but the point is, I get up and get on the subte and take it all in. It's amazing here and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

--> I also wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the constant support. If there's one thing I've realized since being here, not that I didn't know it before, but I have greater appreciation for it now, is that I do have real love in my life, my family and friends are the most amazing people I know in life, and I wouldn't be here with all of your support. You all make my days so wonderful and I love thinking of all of you here and I appreciate all the good wishes you send. Really, I know I have so much to be grateful for, which is why I get up each day and don't let everything else keep me from experiencing all that I can experience here.

-->Finally, I know some of you may be sitting there wondering why all the sudden honesty and bluntness, over the internet of all places? I really need to be honest right now and I really don't care who sees it. But I hope that this helps to keep me connected to all the people I care about.

I promise I will post photos shortly, I need to figure this out first.


  1. Yay Crystal! I'm glad you started this. Keep your head up :)

  2. I'm still figuring this all out too..but aw i'm so glad you took the time for this..
    I love you oh so much..I'll try keeping you up to date with things here, as you will with all of us:)
    Enjoy abroad as much as possible..go on adventures, but be safe.. make it all worth it and more..
    I'll be here waiting for you to come back
    looooovvveeee yyyyouuuuu

  3. crystal! i'm so glad that you're feeling better and having a good time... it makes me a little more excited about going abroad ahhaa. anyway, your situation is obviously much more extreme than mine, but my grandma recently went into the hospital and estela was telling me how you had had to deal with a similar thing right before you left. its so frustrating to have to direct your focus to other things when all you really want to do is just take a step back and really think things through. i'm really glad you're feeling better, but i still miss you a ton! keep updating this! i'd love to read about all of your adventures!

    love and miss you!!

  4. hey - honesty is the best policy. especially if you're truly going to allow yourself to grow through your abroad experience.

  5. thanks for all the encouragement everyone! I really appreciate it!

    Angie, I LLOOOOVVEEEE you too! I will def keep this updated, but you better do the same, I want to know what happens w/ you too!

    Kisa, I'm glad it makes you more excited about going abroad, are you still thinking about BsAs for second semester? Also, I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, I hope she's doing better, if you ever want to skype to talk, I'm on rather frequently.

  6. Hola little vona, (jk) we miss in in LA, well la familia Ortega sure do, Isaiah can't believe you will be gone until August. I wish that I could give you that well need hug, but I do that mentally everyday when I thank God for another day of life, shit I sound like Memi, but I do do that everyday and include you in my prayers,please be safe, me smart my dear.Remember that you come from a long line of STRONG WOMEN- and will do what we have to do to keep on going and doing what has to be done, don't forget to it with that BEAUTIFUL SMILE of yours. Sorry to hear about Eli, but it does seem like the reasonable (?) thing at the time, since you will be apart for quite sometime, but think about it like when you stubb your toe, the pain and ache will soon go away-besides you need to have much more fun-without thinking or feeling guilty about just plain having fun and hanging out con nuevos amigos, well as usual I am rambling on and not making sense pero tu sabes lo que digo. My Crystal-I love you so much and miss you, I can't hardly wait for your return, to hang out with you and go out, gee, you will be 21 and you can finally go to the infamous Jay Dees, have a good breakfast with a delious BLOODY MARY!!!,oops, your mom might not like that so we will just have to take her with us, ha ha.
    Love you,
    your crazy Nina!

  7. No, i won't rat you out but please go check out the damn place again and don't be so smart-ass and trust everyone that you meet. I love you and I love that you are living life to the fullest and with such gusto! I hope you won't find L.A so boring, when you come back home we have to go to CASA 0101 in Boyle Heights, you will love the plays that they put on, then we can go to the taco stand that Robert to us to on Gage St in ELA, tacos al pastor con una corona,can't wait.
    Love safe...peace, Nina
